K5GP Waterway CW Net Info Sail Away
ND7K CW net roster, Q signals, abbreviations, and e-mail addresses
WRCC web page
CW Net Members Web Pages
VE3BZW ham web page and weather
WD4DMT at QRZ.com and a photo of Mike at K5GP QTH
K5GP home page and
home QTH and old hidden antenna farm and
40 meter beam design info and
beam pattern and
family web page and at QRZ.com, and
Hobie 33 FLO at the Austin Yacht Club and
Gene and Cheryl at helm during a summer 03 fri night beer can race
WB2WGX Rich and ham station and vintage 1 and vintage 2 gear.
WB2WGX Rich and N1GKE Myrt and Myrt and his wife departing.
KC5GXC, Pete at his ham shack in Pearl River, Louisiana and personal web page
KB5GXD at QRZ.com
W9GXT at QRZ.com and pilot instructor, Bob's daughter, and Bob (in hat)
KC4HCH in K1PT's back yard with AF1Z, K1PT, N4UAU and at the Austin Yacht Club with WA5KMA, N4UAU, and K5GP
W2IBK Brit's work in the newspaper at the Univ of Penn
and another nice writeup about Brit's work and Brit testing MRI brain imaging device
and another article, page 1 page 2 page 3
and winter 02/03 sail with K2VQ
ND7K at his rig in FL and showing off his collection of Morse code keys and
Chuck, xyl Chris, and AD4FJ xyl Sharon and boat pictures 1 and 2 in
Boothbay Maine when not in Marathon in the Florida Keys and
Osprey with fish on Chuck's antenna in Marathon
KA8KCR family web page and KA8KCR, Richard, with xyl Linda and grand daughter Rachel
WA5KMA with N4UAU and KC4HCH at Iguana Grill in Austin, TX and stuck between HCH (left) and UAU (right)
AE4MZ pictures of his cruise during the summer of 2010 in Maine.
AE4MZ Capt. Jay Stormer at the helm of Tropicbird in marina at net time and Jay's new personal web page and
Marine Buyer's Survey and one of Jay's survey jobs
WA4MQW Bob's QRP adventure
AG4ND, Forrest, personal web page and
new CW software
KA3OCS web page and with guitar Bob made and in
Key West in his new camper and truck and Bob's 2001 WRCC & SSCA pictures
NA4P personal web page and also QRZ.com
K1PT personal web page and in K1PT's back yard left to right: AF1Z, K1PT, KC4HCH, and N4UAU
K4TCV personal web page and award
W2TOH mobile TS-50 in his RV using a WWII German key and eyeing Mimi's omelet
N4UAU personal web page
and biker web page info
and QRZ.com
and at Seven Seas 2000 and HCH KMA UAU GP at AYC
and KMA UAU HCH at Iguana Grill and Roger Cheryl Gene & Jim with Lake Travis in BG
and takes a trip to visit K2VQ
W3UC Visits K5GP
K2VQ's interest in cw and K2VQ Photos and N4UAU visit
and winter 02/03 sail with W2IBK
AF1Z in K1PT's back yard with K1PT, KC4HCH, and N4UAU
Weather Reports and Images
Weather Bookmarks
NWS homepage
NWS southern page
NOAA VHF weather
NOAA marine info
Get weather via e-mail
Weather Underground
Current US surface
Active Hurricanes
US weather radar
US doppler radars
VoIP Skywarn Hurricane Net
The Map for Emergency Management
US lightning strikes (summertime QRN locator)
Austin current precipitation activity on KXAN
Austin American Statesman weather
NOAA Central Texas Radar
NOAA Hurricane tracking map1
NOAA Hurricane tracking map2
Boat US Hurricane tracking map
Eurpoean hurricane and weather tracking map
America 180 deg IR view
Earth 360 degree IR view
Solar activity web page
Sailing Adventures and Tales
Tsunami accounts from sailors and pictures
K5FNI, Rick's story about being in a cyclone like this one near Japan Aug 20, 2001
or this one bearing down on New Orleans on August 29, 2005.
KD5BZH Dave and KD5MAZ Sandy Alexander and continuing with their adventures
Morse Code is a common language in China
Mauri sends e-mail home talking about his adventures
W5TFY Bob and KB5IMY Judy in
Europe, their stories:
Save the Crocagator by AE4MZ
More sailing stories
Remote operation of a ham rig.
ARRL Tech Info
US Repeaters Directory
Where the sun is...
Airport Information
Radio Station Locator
Homebrewers web page
6000+ circuit schematics
100+ circuits by VK5BR
Past issues of CQ magazine
AD4FJ recommends this CW beginner's web site
K5GP recommends this Morse Code web site at AC6V
K1PT recommends this program for increasing code speed
ND7K recommends this distributor of morse key products
N5CM recommends this site for the history of Navy communications
40 Meter Band Article by K1ZZ
RFI - What is it and what can I do about it (4 Mb)?
K5GP letter on reducing RFI and what to do to reduce RFI and photo of a typical toroid application
and Previously Amidon web site
and Palomar web site
K5GP information on how to reduce power line interference
N4UAU's electronic parts:
BG Micro
All Electronics
N4CTC recommends you take a look at the N4CYE family web page
KA8KCR recommends you check your FBI records
Daylight Savings Time Info
Logbook Of The World
eQSL Net
World News Network
eHam info and news
DXing.com SWL Info
QSL and Call Sign Info
Links to Ham Radio manuals
Gulf Coast region info
NASA space flight info
Johnson space tracking
NASA science headlines
Free language translation
US Navy Astronomical data
National Institute of Standards
FCC Consumer Information Bureau
Solar activity and other space weather
More on solar activity from WM7D
Track the International Space Station
Viewing the International Space Station
Austin Astronomical society links for satellite observing
Heavens Above site gives all the satellites visible for your area
K5GP's Newly Designed broadband 80 meter antenna also works on 160 meters.