How to watch rental youtube movies on Tivo or your Smart TV

TiVo Roamio and my LG Smart TV have neat Youtube apps built in.
What is not obvious however is how to watch a rental movie on them
since they have no way to make a payment on either. This is best
done on a device like a PC or tablet. Here is a process to link your
PC or tablet to your TiVo or Smart TV so you can view the movie
on your large screen TV. Follow these steps:

1. On your TiVo or Smart TV open the Youtube application.
2. Find and click on the option of pairing to another device.
3. Note that there is now a number printed on the TV screen.
4. Your other device is a PC or ipad or possibly a smart phone.
5. On your PC/ipad/phone open the web site
6. Enter the TV screen number into the PC/ipad to connect the TV.
7. Find the Youtube movie you want to watch using the PC/ipad.
8. Pay for the movie on the PC/ipad so you can play the movie.
9. Since you have paired the devices, playing it on the PC/ipad
causes the movie to begin playing on the TV screen instead of
on the PC/ipad.

This pairing of devices gives Youtube considerable capability:
1. No monthly fee is needed such as with Netflix.
2. Youtube may have newer releases, such as The Interview movie.
3. No special electronics is required, such as Widi or Miracast.
4. Just about anything you can play on the PC can be played on the TV
greatly enhancing the value of the smart TV and TiVo.